Program Overview


Tribal Jurisdiction

Throughout their lifetimes, nearly 1 in 2 American Indian and Alaska Native women will suffer physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking by an intimate partner. However, until the passage of  VAWA 2013, tribal courts could not exercise jurisdiction over crimes committed by non-Indian domestic violence abusers against their Indian spouses, intimate partners, and dating partners on tribal land. The historic provision within VAWA 2013 formally recognized the inherent power of participating tribes to exercise special tribal criminal jurisdiction (STCJ) over both Indians and non-Indians who commit crimes of domestic violence or dating violence, or violate certain protection orders in Indian Country. Accordingly, VAWA 2013 authorized the Tribal Jurisdiction Program, designed to assist Indian tribes that have jurisdiction over Indian Country in exercising STCJ. Tribal jurisdiction was further expanded by the reauthorization of VAWA in 2022.

Through this grant program, Indian tribes receive support and technical assistance for planning, developing, and implementing changes in their criminal justice systems necessary to exercise STCJ. The Tribal Jurisdiction Program encourages the coordinated involvement of the entire tribal criminal justice system and victim service providers to incorporate systemic change that ensures victim safety and offender accountability.

Progress Reporting Update:
New Reporting Form

January – June 2024 Period

The deadline for the January – June 2024 performance report is July 30, 2024.

Tribal Jurisdiction grantees no longer complete their progress report via SurveyMonkey. Instead, grantees need to fill out the PDF reporting form which must be downloaded from this website (just look for the Reporting Form box below). Then submit the fillable PDF form directly to JustGrants. For guidance on how to upload a document into that system, please see the JustGrants website’s Training: Performance Reporting page.

Please note: For the January to June 2024 reporting period, Tribal Jurisdiction grantees will be using the newly updated progress reporting form available below.