VAWA IMPACT Tool FAQs for Discretionary Grantees
View the answers to frequently asked questions.
What is the IMPACT tool?
The Indicators*Measurements*Performance*Achievements*Challenges*Technical Assistance Tool (IMPACT tool) is a web-based tool that all OVW grantees will use to prepare their performance data for submission to OVW, beginning with the July – December 2024 (JD 2024) reporting period. It is easy to use and reflects a reduction of about 50% in the volume of data grantees are asked to report. Its purpose is to simplify reporting and alleviate burden on grantees while generating better, timely, and more accurate information on how grantees use their funds.
When will it be ready for me to use?
You will be able to access the tool beginning on March 3, 2025. To ensure grantees have time to familiarize themselves with the tool and generate their reports, OVW has extended the JD 2024 performance report deadline by two months. Instead of being due on January 30, 2025, performance reports will be due on March 31, 2025. (Note: The extension might not yet be reflected in JustGrants in your next-due performance report case, but it will be soon.) In the meantime, you can find your program’s sample report form and instructions at VAWAMEI.
How will I know how to use the IMPACT tool?
The IMPACT tool is easy to use! Even so, OVW and VAWA MEI will provide ample opportunities for training and technical assistance (TTA). TTA will be available through forums like online resources, webinars, one-on-one consultations, OVW office hours, and sessions at new grantee orientations.
Where can I find information on what data I need to report?
Instructions and sample forms—which will be web-based in the IMPACT tool—are available on your Grant Program’s page on the VAWA MEI website here: htps://
Have the forms changed?
Yes, all discretionary performance report forms have changed. Changes are to standardize reporting across programs while reducing reporting burden on grantees. Changes are, for the most part, reductions that simplify reporting. There are, however, some new demographic data fields and new questions that you may not be able to report on right away.
Review your program’s sample form, available on the VAWA MEI website, to learn what data you’ll be asked for in the IMPACT tool.
What if I do not have all the requested data?
OVW understands that not all grantees will be able to answer the new questions, and that’s okay! As always, you should have adequate source documentation to support any numbers you report, and you should not guess at, or estimate, any numbers. For new data fields, grantees are expected to report to the best of their ability, use a narrative field to explain if any data are not available, and plan to track and report the data in the future.
Regardless, you should supply enough information in your performance report that your Program Specialist can effectively monitor the award.
How will I submit the performance report to OVW?
You will first enter and validate your data in an online form in the IMPACT tool. When the report is complete, the tool generates a PDF. You need to submit this performance report PDF as an attachment in the JustGrants system (JGS). You will attach and submit the PDF in the performance report “case,” just as grantees did in the past with the fillable PDFs. The PDF in JGS is the official record of the performance report. For guidance on how to upload the performance report as an attachment in JustGrants, please see the JustGrants website’s Training: Performance Reporting page.
The PDF in JGS is the official record of your performance report. Failing to upload and submit the report in JGS will result in a hold on your grant funds due to the report being in delinquent status.
What if more than one person needs to access a report?
The link for a specific report can be shared and accessed by more than one person. If you have a project partner that needs to fill out a section of the form, they can use the unique URL to access the report and enter the information.
Can I save my progress in the IMPACT tool and return to it later?
Yes, once you start a report, a unique URL will be generated which will be emailed to you and which you can copy from the site itself. You can use this unique URL to return to your report any time.
What about change-requests?
If your Program Specialist change-requests a report in JGS, you can go back into the report in the IMPACT tool, make revisions, generate a new PDF, and submit the revised report in JGS.
What if my Award closes between July 2024 and March 3rd, 2025?
Discretionary Grantees with Awards that close between July 1, 2024 and March 3, 2025 need to use the fillable PDF performance reports as in prior reporting periods (see this flowchart for more details). You should have received specific instructions from OVW via email. If you have not received your final performance reporting form from OVW, please email
Furthermore, if you have an award ending on or before 12/31/2024 and you also have awards with later end dates, note that you will use the IMPACT tool for those awards that did not end in 2024.
Can I enter narrative responses in a language other than English?
Yes, the IMPACT tool will accept narrative responses in languages other than English. Grantees can use the Google Translate feature in the IMPACT tool to translate the questions into a different language. Note: Google Translate is not always reliable and can sometimes translate incorrectly. If you have any questions about what is being asked, please reach out to your Program Specialist or VAWA MEI.
What if I don’t have consistent internet access?
The system is set up to automatically save data every time the user moves to a different page and every minute when the user is typing in the narrative boxes. It can also be accessed via a mobile device.
Can I use the IMPACT tool to collect data outside of the semi-annual performance reports?
No, it is not designed to collect data beyond what grantees submit to OVW and it does not function as a data storage system.
Who should I reach out to if I have questions about reporting in the IMPACT tool or have issues accessing it?
Grantees can reach out to VAWA MEI with questions about accessing or troubleshooting the system or how to report data.
Phone: 1-800-VAWA (8292)