
Please note: VAWA MEI doesn’t provide services directly to the public. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. You can also find helpful contacts on OVW’s map of local resources or by calling one of the national hotlines.

Resources for OVW Grantees

Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

Contact your OVW Program Specialist with questions related to the management of your grant program.

JustGrants Support

Please contact JustGrants for technical support with your JustGrants account.


Please contact us if you have questions about your progress reporting form, the data you’ll need to collect and submit, and for upcoming training opportunities. You can complete and submit the form below, or just call us or send us a message.

We value customer service!

If you have requested assistance or information from our office and have not received a response within two business days, please email We promise that your concern will be addressed without further delay.