Documenting the impact OVW grants make on victims of domestic/sexual violence, their families, and their communities.

March 4, 2025

Webinar: Calculating FTE’s

Exciting Changes to Performance Reporting are Coming!

homepage reports

In 2025, OVW, in collaboration with MEI, will launch the Indicators * Measurements * Performance * Achievements * Challenges * Technical Assistance Tool (IMPACT Tool). The IMPACT Tool is a web-based tool that all OVW Discretionary grantees and Formula Subgrantees will use to prepare their performance data for submission to OVW. Its purpose is to simplify reporting and alleviate burden on grantees while generating better, timely, and more accurate information on how grantees use their funds.

Questions? Reach out to VAWA MEI at 1-800-922-8292 or


Studies have shown that the provision of trauma-informed, culturally sensitive services can significantly improve victims’ sense of well-being. (Serrata et al., 2020)

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