Culturally Specific Services Program FAQs
Report professionals and para-professionals, including volunteer peer educators, in Section C1, and report non-professionals in Section C2.
No, do not report grant-funded staff development as training in Section C1. Grantees may choose to write about grant-funded staff development in a narrative question.
Yes, this public awareness event can be reported in q.28, and the grant-funded flyers can be reported in Section C5 Products. Remember, all grant-funded products need to be approved by your OVW grant specialist.
Yes. Report an ASL version of Title 9 in Section C5 Products and in Section C7 System Improvement.
No, for the purpose of this form, referrals are not considered a service and are not reported in q.37C. However, any referrals can be described in narrative q.41.
Services provided by a grant-funded attorney or a grant-funded paralegal are reported in Civil Legal Assistance in q.37A. Any other legal advocacy services provided by a grant-funded staff member are reported as Civil Legal Advocacy in q.37A.
Yes, you can report pending policies in the narrative.