Campus Program FAQs


Only incoming students are reported in the Minimum Requirements section.  Incoming students can include freshman, transfer, and graduate students.  Remember, only mandatory prevention and education efforts for these incoming students are reported in this section.  This means in q.14-17 report on prevention/education events that are specifically designed for incoming students and which are designated as mandatory, per the requirements of the Campus program grant.


Yes. If incoming graduate students are required to participate in the Minimum Requirements programming as defined by the school, then report them in q.14-17.  However, if your institution does not require graduate students to participate in prevention and education events, do not report them in q.14-17.  Remember, the key element in reporting students in the Minimum Requirements section is the education is mandatory.


OVW asks that grantees report an unduplicated number of events held, even if multiple funding sources were used for the same event.  Consider the amount of funding that is coming from each funding source to make the determination.  For example, if you report 10 events in q.14 and each event was funded 50% by Campus program funds and 50% by other funding sources, report 5 in the category “provided with Campus Program funds” and 5 in “provided with other funding sources.”


Yes. If the student attended both a mandatory Campus grant-funded event and a mandatory event supported with other funding sources, the student may be reported once in each category.


All programs are required to complete Section C1 in order to validate the form.  If the grantee institution has not started providing mandatory education, please report zero in q.14, report in q.15 based on if the grantee institution plans to collaborate with campus and community-based victim advocacy organizations, and report the total number of incoming students in both the “Total number of incoming students” category and the “Number incoming not educated” category.  Then, use q.16b to explain why incoming students have not been educated, i.e. due to the mandatory prevention programming not being set up yet.


Please check with your program specialist.


Please categorize professionals in the existing training categories whenever possible, even if the category is not a perfect match to the professional’s job functions.  The “educators” category or the “student affairs staff” category can be used to capture not only professors and teachers, but also administrators and other types of professionals who are on campus and involved with students.  We recognize that some campus professionals still do not fit into these more general categories and those can be reported in the “other” category.


Yes. Some appropriate staff to report in the “other” category include: campus professionals such as athletics staff/coaches, dining services staff, grounds crew staff, and maintenance staff.


Residential Assistants (RAs) are considered to be functioning as professionals on campus. Report trained RAs in Training Section C3 under the “Student affairs staff” category.


Pre-professional students are reported as trained in Section C3 under the “pre-professional students” category.


Yes. If the grantee institution is using Campus grant funds to send any non-grant-funded staff to a TTI, report those staff as trained in q.29 and report the TTI as a training event. However, if only Campus grant-funded staff attended a TTI, do not report them as trained or report it as a training event as this is considered staff development and not training. Staff development can be reported in the narrative.


Yes. If peer educators are paid with grant funds or are supervised by a grant-funded staff person, then report the education activities of the peer educator.  Additionally, you may report the activities of a peer educator even if they are not paid or supervised by a grant-funded staff person, if grant funds substantially supported their activities


In q.49, use the numbers from your Clery Act report to provide information for the entire campus, or for the campuses represented in the consortium, to the extent that the information requested is available.


Question 49 will include all sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking offenses reported to campus security authorities that occurred on campus, in campus owned or recognized buildings and property (such as a sports or Greek life “house” that is officially recognized by the institution), and on public property that is within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.  Please see pages 20-21 of the separate form instructions for detailed definitions of these terms and for more information about the other questions in this section.


In q.51, report all dispositions for all campus disciplinary or judicial board actions involving sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence, or dating violence for the current reporting period.  Use q.58 to explain if the numbers reflect a different period of time and not the most current six-month reporting period that applies to the progress report.


No. If a crime was reported to campus security authorities during the current reporting period, but the campus disciplinary or judicial board has not yet resolved the case and it is still pending a disposition, report it in q.49 but do not report it in q.51.  Report the disposition in the reporting period in which the case is eventually resolved.


No, only report incidents of stalking, domestic violence, dating violence, or sexual assault involving the campus community that were reported to the local jurisdiction.


OVW asks that if grantees are unable to obtain the information needed to report in q.51 or q.53, please explain in narrative q.58.


If the students are considered pre-professionals trained, please report them in the categories that reflect the profession the students are going into. If the students are not trained as pre-professionals, the students should not be reported in the Training Section.