Tools & Resources Tribal SASP Program Tribal SASP Sample Reporting Form

Tribal SASP Sample Reporting Form

View this sample reporting form to better understand reporting requirements for OVW grant-funded activities.

OVW grant recipients are statutorily required to report on grant-funded activities every six months. Data reported on semi-annual performance reports help OVW monitor funded projects and illustrate grant program accomplishments. This sample reporting form includes all of the questions in the IMPACT reporting tool. It is not a fillable PDF, and is intended only to outline the questions that will be asked in the IMPACT reporting tool.  Note: These questions are subject to change.

Note: Discretionary Grantees with an award that closes between July 1, 2024, and December 30, 2024, need to continue to use the fillable PDF performance reports. You should have received specific instructions from OVW via email. If you have not received your final performance reporting form from OVW, please contact your OVW Program Specialist.