STOP Formula FAQs


Once the form has been fully checked and validated,  a ‘Generate PDF’ pop-up window will appear. When you click “Continue”, you will begin reviewing the data entered into your report. While completing your final review you will not be able to edit the form, but you can select “Cancel Review” which will end the final review and allow you to edit entered data. If all the data is correct, select “Go To Next Page” to continue the review. Once you have completed your review, you will be directed to the “Validate, Review, and Submit” page where you will have to uncheck the box that says “Uncheck this box, then click Submit” and then click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Your browser will props you to confirm your final submission. Finally, after your submission is complete, select “Download Report” to download a copy of you performance report.


There is not currently a way to download pdf versions of completed subgrantee reports. MEI is working on developing this feature for the future. The tool currently exports the data into a .csv file, which looks like an excel sheet but has limited functionality. Once the data is downloaded, re-save it as an excel so you can access all the functions available in excel, such as formatting.


1. Re-save the exported data as an excel file.

  1. The tool currently exports the data into a .csv file, which looks like an excel sheet but has limited functionality. With the exported .csv file open, go to File, Save As. A dialogue box will appear, where it says, “Save as type,” select Excel Workbook from the drop-down menu. Be sure to save it to a location where you can find it.

2. Transform the data from a horizontal view to a vertical view.

  1. After saving the file as an excel, select and copy the information in rows 2 and 3.
  2. Create a “new sheet” in the excel document by clicking the “+” symbol at the bottom of the excel file.
  3. In the new sheet, right-click in cell A-1 and do a special paste using the Transpose Paste function. This changes the data from horizontal to vertical. Column A will contain the descriptions of the data points and column B will contain the data entered into the subgrantee report.

3. Adjust the columns’ widths so you can see all the text.

  1. Select columns A and B, and expand the width by clicking on the border between columns A and B and dragging the width of column A to the right.
  2. Apply “wrap text” formatting.


In the exported file, the first row lists the names for each data field as it exists in the backend of the tool. The second row has labels describing what each data field is. The third row is the data entered into the subgrantee report. State Admins or subgrantees may need to expand the column widths or use the “wrap text” function in excel to see all the entered information.