We closed out one grant and began a new grant within the current reporting period. How do we split up the data for the reporting period into the two grant reports we are required to submit?
Do your best to divide the activities based on which grant funding supported each activity, but do not double count activities. There are two sections that are particularly tricky when doing this, Staff FTEs and Victim Services.
Staff FTE (Full-time equivalent): Staff FTEs should be reported based on what each grant funded. Therefore, the FTE will need to be prorated based on the time covered. For example, if grant A paid for 3 months of a full time employee (1.0 FTE) you will report this as 0.5 FTE because the grant only covered 3 months of the 6-month reporting period.
Victim Services: Please make sure that the two reports do not double count any victims served during the 6-month reporting period.
For example, if your agency uses grant funds to serve a victim during the first 3 months of the reporting period and again during the last 3 months of the reporting period, do not report this victim in the victim services sections of both forms. The best way to handle this situation is to get an unduplicated count of all victims served for the 6-month reporting period and divide them and the services they received between the two reports. If you report a victim as served in each of the 3 month reports, this will add up to 2 victims served in the 6-month reporting period, which is not accurate.
Important: Once you have determined how you will divide your data between the two reports, OVW and VAWA MEI ask that grantees use the final narrative question to list the project numbers for both awards, indicate the time periods that each cover, and verify that FTEs are prorated and that victim services numbers are divided between the two reports.