How do we report a victim/survivor who has completed an intake and a housing assessment, but has not moved into a unit by the end of the reporting period?
This depends on the reason for why the victim/survivor is not moved into the unit.
- If your transitional housing program has not yet provided any grant-funded support services and an available unit has not been located, then report the victim as not served. In addition, report this survivor, any children, and any other dependents in q.21.
- If this victim/survivor has been accepted into the transitional housing program, and you are providing support services while they are searching for a unit (most likely with a rent subsidy), report this victim as partially served. In addition, report this survivor, any children, and any other dependents in q.21.
- If the victim/survivor is receiving all of the support services they have requested, they have secured housing, but the timing of their move into the unit happens to be during the next reporting period, then report the victim as fully served.